Embark on an intriguing city stroll. Through headphones, you'll listen to the inner world of the person you're following. You'll hear thoughts about themselves, about their place in the world, about the world, and about humanity.
Liesbet Hermans verkent met ’A deluded state of mind’ de relatie tussen ons lichaam en onze geest. Volgens haar hebben wij soortgelijke gedachtepatronen, maar hoeveel impact hebben die patronen op ons leven? En wat gebeurt er als we deze gedeelde gedachten de aandacht geven die ze van ons verlangen?
Liesbet Hermans explores the relationship between our bodies and our minds with 'A deluded state of mind'. According to her, we share similar thought patterns, but how much impact do these patterns have on our lives? And what happens when we give these shared thoughts the attention they crave?