La Bande à Tyrex is a pack that moves as one body. A merry-go-round of pedal-powered steeds, swarming with spokes and bicycle tyres.

Nine cyclists roll, bunch together, accelerate, skid. La Bande à Tyrex’s musical bicycle ballet rolls from one bike to another, creating an infinite number of shapes, balances and imbalances. One instrument starts playing, then another; cyclists put down their bikes to blow a trombone, pick up a bass, sing a song, create an orchestra!

Bikes and bodies form a circle, around which the audience gathers. A collective creation that uses acrobatic cycling in a special way.

Show dates
Wed 1 Nov 2023
3 - Sports centre
Provincial Domain Dommelhof
Toekomstlaan 5
3910 Pelt
80 minutes
From 6 years old
Standard (online)
Standard (box office)
Companion pass
Wheelchair accessible

La Bande à Tyrex Camille Chatelain, Cyril Choye, Valentin Duchamp, Jonathan Gagneux, Charlotte Kolly ou Alice Allart, Benny Martin, Pierre-Alban Monfreux, Benjamin Renard, Robin Zobel

composition musicale et arrangements La Bande à Tyrex

son Nicolas Barbaud

lumière Lydie Del Rabal

oeil extérieur Julien Monin

costumes Anaïs Clarté

administration Amélie Kunde

coproduction et accueil en résidence La Cascade - PNC Bourg St Andéol, La Cité du Cirque - Pôle régional cirque Le Mans

accueil en résidence et soutien La Halle Vérrière - Meisenthal, La Vache qui Rue - Moirans en Montagne, L’association Hom’art - Reyrieux, Les abbatoirs - Riom, L’Espace Périphérique - Ville de Paris - La Villette, La Gare à Coulisses - Eurre, Rotondes - Luxembourg

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