A moving performance about the strength of our bodies, about seeing and being seen, about ageing and old age.

Old age is still a taboo subject in our society, especially within the world of the circus. Like top athletes, most acrobats stop training intensively after a certain age. So how do these perfect bodies change? Can you ever make peace with your own body?

‘GLORIOUS BODIES’ sheds light on the process of ageing in a special way. Something that happens to all of us, now and at any time. Six acrobats, each aged between 54 and 67, put on an impressive, charming and humorous performance that shows what human beings and the human body are capable of - and there is clearly no age limit on that.

Show dates
Sun 29 Oct 2023
Extra tickets beschikbaar
1A - Theatre
Theatre building Dommelhof
Toekomstlaan 5
3910 Pelt
60 minutes
From 8 years old
Standard (online)
Standard (box office)
Companion pass
Wheelchair accessible

concept en choreografie Piet Van Dycke

performers Winfried Deuling, Astrid Schöne, Det Rijven, Thorsten Bohle, Paul Griffioen, Johannes Fischer

muziek Kris Auwers

installatie Arjan Kruidhof

dramaturgie Marie Peeters

techniek Casper Van Overschee

productieleiding Sam Cunningham

productie Circumstances

coproductie PLAN, Festival Circolo, DansBrabant, Cirklabo, Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof, PERPLX, Perpodium

met dank aan Miramiro, Destelheide, Wybren Wouda

met steun van de Vlaamse Overheid, Grensverleggers/deBuren

more info